How to Quiet a Noisy Car AC Compressor? Step by Step Guide

Odd squeaking noise from the car is a major turn off. No matter if the noise is from brakes or from the lousy car AC compressor, the continuous noise is the ultimate irritation.  Believe it or not, the AC compressor of your car is the silent assistant that you often ignore for maintenance. Therefore, today I will tell you how to quiet a noisy car ac compressor!

But first let’s know why your AC compressor in the car is making noise.

Reason for AC Compressor Noise

Mainly there are three reasons that affect the car AC compressor make noise

  • Pulley Misalignment: There are a series of pulleys in the car air conditioning system. When there is some misalignment in that, the belt makes a lot of squeaking noise.
  • Pulley Bearing: the pulleys in the car have bearings that aid in rotation. If these bearings have gone bad due to excessive wearing you will notice the squeaking sounds. To confirm that, spray the bottle filled with water on the rib of the belt while the engine is still running; be careful. If the noise disappears it means that the belt is faulty otherwise the pulley bearings are.
  • Worn-out Belt: The serpentine belt has a durability of about 60,000 to 100,000 miles (96,561 to 160,934 km). So, if the belt is older than that you know the reason why your car AC compressor is making that much audible noise.

How to Quiet a Noisy Car AC Compressor?

When it comes to quiet the noise car AC compressor there are multiple ways that somehow give you options to choose the solution you find handy. Now let’s learn what those ways are.

1. To find whining and squealing noise

Replace the older pulley and if its damage and get too much worn out replace it, otherwise lubricate the pulley well. Also lube the bolts to avoid friction.

Likewise, fixing the worn-out bearing is another solution that quiets the AC compressor noise and checks the bearings. Take them out and clean them using a fine wire brush for any dust and debris. Lubricate the bearing and reinstall them tight enough back into the housing.

2. Address the Screws

In most cases the nose from the AC compressor is due to loose screws. It’s quite logical that over time, the car vibrations can loosen the screws and it makes a lot of noise if you don’t tighten them on time.

Simply use the screwdriver and tighten the screws plus it also adds to the security. You should also check the loose parts in AC system bolts, fan belt, hoses mounting bolts etc. Also apply thread-locking adhesive to each screw hole.

3. Replace the Damaged Parts

Apart from tightening, carefully inspect the AC system and overall car damaged parts. If you see any carjacked or frayed component make sure to replace it with the newer one. Usually the noise occurs due to vibrations of worn out parts.

4. Dampening pad and lubrication

Using the dampening pad helps a lot in lowering the AC compressor noise. Add the felt cover or rubber cover on the compressor to lower the annoying noises. Also make wise use of lubrication to readily and instantly reduce the noise. You can use oil to reduce the frictions.

5. Soundproof Insulation

Soundproof insulation installation certainly helps for quiet noise reduction. Just install the layer of soundproof insulation in the engine bay and around and it will significantly reduce the vibrations.

6. Upgrade the AC Compressor

With time the components of your vehicles get worn down, same goes for AC compressors. Replace the AC compressor and install a latest and quieter model. This solution should surely help you. 

However, if the repair is rather complex, you should call the car mechanic for professional work. Also the car mechanic can better tell you about the reason why AC compressor noise is too loud.

How to Maintain the AC Compressor?

Small things have a huge impact. There are a few safety precautions that timely save you from replacing the AC compressor due to bad noises. Here are the things that you should keep up with check and balance in your car:

  • Maintenance and Cleanliness: Always keep the AC compressor of your car clean and don’t let the dust and debris accumulate. It prevents the airflow.
  • Repair if needed: Keep an eye on the repair of the compressor, if there is anything worn out, replace it timely. If you overlook, the noise from the AC compressor will only get louder.
  • Use quality fluids: Using quality and recommended motor oil and coolant maintains the car performance. Also regularly change and flush the AC related fluids for its smooth functionality.
  • Check for loose parts:  Another tip is to timely tighten the bolts and hardware of the AC compressor. It will reduce the noise and will keep up with that in future as well. Also install the soundproofing duct opening for addressing the noise leakage issues.
  • Use sun shade: Hot air is not good for your car in any way. Use sun shade to minimize the hot air intake. Also incorporate the window tinting. Try to park your vehicle under shade.


What happen if I don’t replace AC compressor that is noisy

Luckily the noisy AC compressor is not dangerous for you- but it’s TOO MUCH irritating that you may not focus on your drive smoothly. Therefore, it’s always suggested to keep your car well-maintained before taking it to the busy roads. 

It will let you drive with more concern then to keep cursing the poor AC compressor for its squeaks. Not to mention other car drivers may also get annoyed by the noise, if it’s too loud.

How do I know if my AC compressor is bad?

The obvious indication is the sound itself. If the AC compressor is letting out sounds like grinding, rattling, or clicking it means that there is something wrong with the compression. It can be damaged, faulty, or maybe clogged. 

Is there any best lubrication for the AC compressor of the car?

Yes, you can use the Polyalkylene Glycol oil, Aka. Pag oil for the best results. Although the user manual of the car should tell you the best answer according to the specific car model, you should take professional advice for sure. However, these two options have been getting rave reviews by many car owners.


When something is wrong with your car performance or you hear odd noises, always recall the last time you maintain or inspect your vehicles. You might have overheard how important it is to keep the car regularly checked for its engine oil and other things. 

So, make sure to timely replace the worn out component of the AC compressor and keep the dust away from it so that you don’t have to spend too much on replacing something expensive.

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